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Common Mistakes When Buying Homeowners Insurance in Peoria, AZ

When you’re looking into buying homeowners insurance in Peoria, AZ, it’s important to find what works best for your needs. However, since there are so many options to choose from, it’s only natural to make mistakes when picking out packages and deals, especially if you’re rushing to buy while closing on your mortgage. That’s why you can rely on insurance companies like Henderson Anderson Insurance for excellent guidance and prices on their insurance deals.

There are a few ways you can avoid making mistakes, but one of the best ways to get what you want and need is to take your time. Consider these other tips when you’re searching for the best insurance company:

Don’t Stop After the First Quote: If you’re comparing prices, make sure that they are similar in price, which should reflect what their insurance covers.

Use the Right Dwelling Leverage Numbers: The dwelling coverage cost of repairs or rebuilding your home is damaged by fire, wind, hail, or other covered disasters.

Be Mindful of Deductibles that are Too High or Too Low: You need to be able to afford the deductible on your homeowner’s insurance policy in case of any emergency. Conversely, if it’s too low, you may end up with a high monthly premium which might not be helpful either.

Contact Henderson Anderson Insurance to learn more about their insurance deals.

Answers To Your Small Business Insurance Pandemic Questions

The coronavirus pandemic affected everyone, from individuals to large corporations, and small business owners were especially at risk for loss of revenue. Many insurance companies stepped up to assist where they could and were happy to field questions from concerned business owners.

Can I Get Small Business Insurance After A COVID-Related Loss?

The short answer is no. Just as you cannot get collision coverage after a car accident, you can’t buy small business insurance in Glendale, AZ, for a pre-existing business loss.

Can My Small Business Get a Discount or Payment Relief During the Pandemic?

At the start of the pandemic, many insurance companies offered discounts or payment relief to assist with the financial impact of state and federal restrictions. It is best to speak to your policyholder about your premiums if your business is struggling to meet payments.

Does My Policy Protect Me from Loss of Income Due to Closure or Reduced Foot Traffic?

Most business policies only cover physical damage to a building; however, you can purchase a communicable disease rider as additional coverage, but not after the fact.

What Business Insurance Should I Get for Coronavirus Coverage?

Although small business insurance doesn’t explicitly cover COVID-19, that may change. Currently, your best course of action is to adjust your business model to adapt to changing consumer habits, allow employees to work from home, implement safety precautions to limit exposure, and offer curbside pickup or delivery services.

Different Types of Auto Insurance

Just as there are different types of cars and drivers, there are different types of auto insurance in Glendale, AZ. Sometimes, it can be a challenge to find the best coverage for you and your vehicle, but it’s not impossible. Our team at Henderson Anderson Insurance wants to help, and that’s why we’ve provided this informative blog post on the different types of insurance for your vehicle. So, let’s take a look.

Liability Insurance – Mandatory in most states, it helps cover injuries and property damage that result from an accident for which you are responsible.

Collision Insurance – Covers damage to your vehicle or its replacement following a collision.

Comprehensive coverage – This is an extra layer of auto insurance coverage. It helps protect your vehicle from incidents other than collisions, such as vandalism.

Uninsured/Underinsured Coverage – These are often linked with uninsured coverage protecting you in a collision with an uninsured or hit-and-run driver. Underinsured coverage gives you protection if you have a collision with a driver who doesn’t have enough insurance to cover your costs.

Medical Payment Insurance – This coverage provides help for paying your medical bills regardless of who is at fault in an accident.

These are some of the major types of car insurance, and if you want to learn more, we can provide extra information at Henderson Anderson Insurance.

Your Home Insurance Policy – Make Sure You Have Enough Coverage

homeowners insurance A home is the most significant investment that most of us will ever make. With that thought in mind, the team at Henderson Anderson Insurance decided to present this blog about protecting your residence with insurance. Specifically, we’ll look at the topic of having enough homeowners’ insurance in Glendale, AZ.

You should always check your policy very closely before you make any changes to it. It may be possible that you have the coverage you don’t think you do or are lacking coverage you thought you had. Often a homeowner will find that a basic policy doesn’t provide all of the protection they need.

You may need extended dwelling coverage if the actual cost of rebuilding your home would exceed the replacement cost of the house. If you decide not to rebuild at the same location following a total loss, replacement up-front coverage gives you a payout for the construction or purchase of a new home in a new spot.

A homeowners’ insurance policy should also include covering the replacement costs of your personal property as well. It provides funds to help you replace items such as home electronics, jewelry, furniture, and art with no depreciation or deduction.

If you wish to learn more about this topic, Henderson Anderson Insurance can help by providing the information you need.

Important Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent

couple consulting an insurance agentYour insurance agency is a valuable resource when determining the coverage you require. Some questions to ask your insurance agent in Glendale, AZ, include:

I’m Remodeling My Home; Do I Need Extra Coverage?

If your home remodeling project will increase your home’s value or square footage, talk to your agent about additional coverage.

What Coverage Does A Home-Based Business Require?

Home-based businesses need to be prepared. Insurance should cover inventory, libel issues, and even customers visiting your home.

Should I Change My Insurance Because My Family Is Growing?

It’s a good idea to consider adding or changing your life insurance. When in place, it can help ease the financial effects of an unexpected death. Also, if you have teenagers, consider increased auto insurance.

What Coverage Should A Newly Graduated Student Obtain?

Students joining the workforce and leaving home are no longer covered by their parent’s policies for auto and homeowner’s insurance. Talk to an insurance agent about personal coverage. You’ll also want to consider life insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances.

Does My Insurance Protect Me From Being Sued After A Car Accident?

The short answer is not always. Although your policy already includes liability coverage, state minimums are usually inadequate. Your insurance agent can help you choose the right policy for you.

How Can I Save Money On Insurance?

Most insurers offer bundled coverage, so ask about streamlining your premiums with multiple policies to protect your car and home.


brown tabby cat

Is Your Home Safe from Pet Damage?

Including an animal companion in your life, no matter what the species, is a significant decision and new owners need to be aware of their responsibilities. Homeowners’ insurance in Peoria, AZ, doesn’t usually include coverage for damage done by your pet. However, you can take steps to protect your residence from too much attention from a bored dog or cat.

Make Your Match

The right pet can make all the difference, so be sure to research your options. Some animals require very little maintenance, and some require a lot. Knowing what to expect from your new friend is essential.

Daily Exercise

When it comes to dogs, the contrast between couch potatoes and high-intensity drive is significant, so knowing how much exercise they need is crucial.

Consistent Training

Consistency is key in just about everything, and training an animal is no different. Keeping your pet safe and your possessions undamaged starts with good behavioral habits.

Pet Proofing

Puppies and kittens get into everything. You can protect your furniture, garbage cans, and hazardous items from their curiosity with diligence and caution.

Crating & Confinement

Although putting your new friend in a crate may seem harsh, most pets actually feel more secure in a confined space. Crate-training your dog can go a long way to keeping them safe while you’re away.

Homeowners’ insurance won’t replace your electrical cords or prevent your pet from staining the rug. It’s up to you to ensure safe and healthy conditions for everyone’s peace of mind.

IT professional

Tips For Insuring Your IT Company

Protecting your business and establishing a risk management program is vital for many enterprises, including IT companies. Commercial insurance in Peoria, AZ, can help mitigate damages should any professional issues arise. There are several insurance options for IT companies, including:

Professional Liability

Your professional advice is vital, but it can also be a liability should it cause your client problems. If they insist your advice was misguided, you could be held responsible. Professional liability insurance can minimize the impact on your operations.

Cyber Liability

Often IT companies assist in setting up servers, phones, computers, Wi-Fi, and other services. However, if the client ever gets hacked, your company could be on the hook. Cyber liability covers this possibility and secures your interests.

Business Interruption

Natural disasters, pandemics, and situations out of your control are a genuine concern. Protecting your business from an interruption means you may be able to save your company from insolvency.

Employment Practice Liability (EPLI)

Employees are valuable, but they come with certain liabilities. EPLI can safeguard against accusations of discrimination, wrongful termination, and harassment.

Business Personal Property (BPP)

Your IT company will have inventory. It can include servers, cabling, and ancillary equipment that often has no coverage under a liability policy. Commercial insurance like BPP can cover these items.

What Your Insurance Covers During a Move

couple packing up their houseMoving is undoubtedly one of the most complex tasks a homeowner can face. It involves planning that rivals a military operation and sometimes requires almost as many people.

When you plan a move, one of the many questions you’re likely to have is, “What does my insurance cover during the move?” We’ve got the answer at Henderson Anderson Insurance, and we’ll share it with you here. Our team specializes in homeowners’ insurance in Peoria, AZ, and has provided this information to many customers. The central fact to know is that your insurance will cover losses for some of your belongings.

A homeowners’ insurance policy will generally cover your belongings inside and outside your home and in transit if you use professional movers. A moving company should also have insurance that covers other situations not included in your policy.

Interstate movers are required to offer liability coverage in three options: released value, full value, and separate liability. Released value provides minimal protection based on the item’s weight. Full value pays for the replacement cost. Separate liability goes beyond released value coverage by providing loss coverage above the minimal protection.

If you move yourself, contact your insurance agent to find out what’s covered in your policy and see if you need to extend your coverage. If you have any additional questions about insurance during a move, our team at Henderson Anderson Insurance is always happy to provide the answers.



Insuring Your Brand New Car

couple buying a new car Buying a new car is an exciting event, and once you make that financial commitment you want to protect your vehicle. The best way to do that is through auto insurance in Peoria, AZ.

At Henderson Anderson Insurance, we have the details a new car owner should know about insurance. Let’s take a closer look.

Not only do you want to cover your new car, truck, or SUV with auto insurance, but it’s also required by law. Each motor vehicle operated on the roads of Arizona must have liability insurance from a company authorized to conduct business in the state. Apart from the mandatory insurance requirements, you have other options to consider.

New vehicle replacement coverage will reimburse you the total value of the brand new car if it’s stolen or destroyed within one year of purchase. Loan and lease coverage provides money to cover the gap between the amount left on your loan and the vehicle’s depreciated value.

If you have a fantastic custom sound system in your new car, having audio-visual and custom equipment coverage protects you for the value of anything not installed by the factory or dealer. This also applies to items such as aftermarket wheels, lift kits, and paintwork.

OEM parts replacement coverage is an additional auto insurance element that will benefit you. It is added to your comprehensive and collision coverage to ensure you get factory parts for your car during accident repairs.

business owner in an online meeting

What Can Your Commercial Insurance Cover?

Commercial insurance in Peoria, AZ, is one of the best products available to protect your business. It doesnt matter how big or small your company is or how long it has been in operation. Commercial insurance can help provide financial assistance in emergencies and sticky situations. But what exactly does commercial insurance cover? Here are the three main areas you can expect to see in commercial insurance coverage.

Stock and Equipment

Your business’s stock and equipment are protected by commercial insurance. If any of it is damaged, you can recover the lost value of these items. You can also protect the equipment used to make your products or whatever else you sell. Should the equipment run into problems, youre able to cover it with insurance.

Company Vehicles

Do you have vehicles for your business? General auto insurance does not cover these vehicles. However, commercial insurance does. Smart business owners have commercial insurance to cover their company vehicles.

Workers’ Compensation

If your employees are injured at work while performing their jobs, you’ll be happy you have commercial insurance. Youll need to take advantage of workers’ compensation insurance, and it’s legally required in many states. This insurance covers medical expenses incurred from work-related injuries.


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