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Blogs for Commercial Insurance in Glendale, AZ

Informed clients make wiser decisions when it comes to getting the coverage they need. That is why the team at Henderson Anderson Insurance is proud to provide you with a helpful resource blog filled with the information you need when it comes to commercial insurance in Glendale, AZ.

On this page, you will find articles that our insurance company believes will benefit you as well as industry news updates, tips and tricks, and best practices. Think of it as your quick reference for almost anything involving commercial truck insurance. With this information readily available to you, you are going to have everything you need to make the most thoughtful choices when buying or upgrading your insurance policies.

Then please get in touch with our friendly and knowledgeable team if you need more information. We are happy to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have so that you can feel confident about the insurance choices you make. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Is Your Basic Home Insurance Enough?

Your homeowners’ insurance in Peoria, AZ, covers plenty of different things, but there are some situations not typically covered under a general home insurance plan that you can add-on to your coverage. Your insurance agent can help you determine which specific add-ons make the most sense for your needs. Here are the top three add-ons to homeowners’ insurance policies.

Underground Sewer Lines

Underground utility lines bring services to your home, but you are responsible for any damage that happens to the lines on your property as the homeowner. Whether the damage is caused by tree roots or the age of service lines, its not covered under general homeowners’ insurance. Adding this can be helpful if you live in an older property that may have dated systems.

Drain and Sewer Back-Up

If a municipal drainage system overflows, the water can back up into your home and cause significant flood damage, inconvenience, and health concerns. This damage can be expensive to repair, and adding this protection to your homeowners’ insurance can give you peace of mind.


Depending on the composition of the ground around your property, your home could be susceptible to sinkholes. If you add this type of endorsement to your homeowner’s insurance policy, then you wont have to face this expense on your own.

small business owner

Common Risks Your Small Business May Face

As with any investment, running a small business involves taking risks. While you can anticipate operating costs, revenue, and how they will factor into your daily operations, some things cannot be planned. It is nearly impossible to predict when you might lose key personnel, suffer a data breach, or be on the receiving end of a personal injury lawsuit, for instance.

Fortunately, you have ways to prepare for the unexpected. Your insurance agent in Peoria, AZ, will recommend that you take out a policy that will meet your needs. This post describes some of the most common risks small businesses may face. Most insurance policies have provisions for covering them.

Property Damage

Damage to your store, warehouse, or office can impede your ability to work. Acts of vandalism, damage due to severe weather, and accidents can negatively impact your property–including your inventory and equipment. Your insurance agent might recommend commercial property insurance to guard against incidents like these.


Despite your best efforts to keep your place of business a safe place to work, the simple fact of the matter is that accidents do happen. If someone gets hurt on the premises, then you might already be in the crosshairs of a lawsuit. Liability is the act of being held legally responsible for something that occurs at your place of business, and it can also include the failure to fulfill a contractual obligation. Liability insurance can protect the company and its employees.

Other risks can include cyber-attacks, data breaches, and commercial auto accidents. Your insurance agent can help you build robust coverage that will protect your enterprise and peace of mind. Contact your agent today and request a consultation.


insurance agent

Strengthen Commercial Insurance with an Endorsement

When it comes to commercial insurance in Peoria, AZ, it might feel like you don’t have enough–or have a little too much. Instead of operating with a coverage gap, why not modify your policy to get what you need? You can strengthen your insurance by getting an endorsement. Here’s how.

What Is an Endorsement?

Don’t worry: you won’t have to make a deal with a social media influencer or celebrity. For insurance products, an endorsement (also known as a rider) is an item that you can put into your existing policy to change it in a meaningful way.

Endorsements will customize your policy to better suit your needs. Even better, they allow you to get more robust coverage without taking out an entirely new policy, saving you money in the process.

How Do Endorsements Work?

Two of the most common ways to use a rider are adding coverage to an existing policy or removing something you do not need. For example, you might want to add an endorsement to your existing commercial insurance to protect key personnel, an entity, or a specific event that is not covered or explicitly addressed.

You may also add an endorsement to remove coverage. Let’s say that your current business property insurance protects against flooding due to a natural disaster. If your location does not get a lot of rain or is not near a river, then you would be spending money for something you will never feasibly need. An endorsement can strike flooding protection from your policy, which might also lower your premiums.

Your commercial insurance agent can help you set up endorsements for your policy. Request a consultation today to discuss your options.

homeowners’ insurance

What is a Deductible Waiver in Homeowners’ Insurance?

If you have homeowners’ insurance, you might have heard about deductible waivers and wonder what they are. At Henderson Anderson Insurance, we provide our clients with homeowners’ insurance in Glendale, AZ. We’ll use this space to discuss these waivers.

Quite simply, a deductible waiver is a clause in homeowners’ insurance policy that lists a range of various situations in which you will not have to pay your deductible in the event of a claim.

A waiver that’s known in the industry as a “large-loss waiver” is based on the value of the claim. Depending on the wording and conditions in your policy, you may not have to pay the deductible if your claim is beyond a specific value. These waivers are not commonly known about but can lead to significant savings for a homeowner during a claim. They are very useful in the case of a substantial loss, such as the destruction of a house by fire. If your policy is has a deductible waiver, you might consider taking a higher deductible to save money on your homeowners’ insurance policy.

These types of waivers are useful if you have them, so it’s always a good idea to look through your policy or ask your agent.

young couple speaking with insurance agent

Insurance 101

Insurance is a necessity for protection throughout modern life. Even though most of us have coverage, not everyone knows the ins-and-outs. At Henderson Anderson Insurance, we are an insurance agent in Glendale, AZ, and we are going to take a look at the basics. This is Insurance 101, so to speak.

We’ll look more closely at different types of insurance in this post. We’ll start by defining a term that is often used: personal insurance. This coverage does just what you expect from the name that is applied to it. It delivers protection for yourself from risks, which could lead to financial losses that would be insurmountable on your own.

Personal insurance takes many forms. Residential insurance is one type that your insurance agent can provide for you. This includes coverage such as homeowners’ insurance. Renters insurance and condo insurance fall into this area as well.

Once you have your home covered, it’s natural to consider your vehicle. Car insurance protects your automobile and can be used for other vehicles such as motorcycles and off-road machines.

An experienced and responsible insurance agent will quite likely direct you toward the most personal type of coverage. This includes life insurance, health insurance, and disability insurance.

Consider this is a very brief introduction, but if you have further questions, we’ll be happy to answer them for you at Henderson Anderson Insurance.

cop car in side mirror

How Traffic Tickets Can Affect Your Car Insurance

Auto insurance in Glendale, AZ, is supposed to protect you should you get involved in an accident. It helps to cover repair costs, and it may also feature some benefits that allow you to stay on top of things while you are waiting for things to get back to normal.

However, if you have been the cause of multiple accidents, or if you have a habit of racking up traffic citations, then your insurance carrier might demand more from you. Traffic violations can affect your insurance premiums. While carriers don’t have the power to revoke your license, they can raise your rates to the point where it can be very difficult to drive. In extreme cases, they might drop your coverage completely.

How Long Infractions Stay on Your Record

Just like the DMV, your insurance carrier keeps a tally on how many traffic violations you have committed. These include speeding citations, DUIs/DWIs, and collisions where you are at fault.

Many auto insurance companies offer discounts to those who have a clean driving record. On average, if you have been accident-free for at least five years, you could see a reduction in your premiums. The amount of the discount, and how long you need to have a good record, depends on your carrier. You will want to get in touch with them to see if you qualify and for how much.

If you’ve been involved in accidents, then your insurance carrier will keep a tally on you. These points can last for up to 10 years, depending on the offense. In many cases, you’ll see a rate increase of up to $800 after the first accident. If you get too many citations, then your carrier might choose not to renew your policy at all.

Consider that Arizona mandates that al motorists have an auto insurance policy, and you can see how being unsafe on the road can cost you in more ways than one. Be sure to read up on the details of your insurance policy, and always do your best to make good decisions while behind the wheel.

young couple moving into new home

Your New Home: What to Do First

Moving into a new place can be an exciting experience–especially when you’ve closed on a home. With moving day fast approaching, it’s essential to take stock of what you need to do after you’ve settled in. Here are a few things that should be at the top of your To-Do List.

Get Homeowners’ Insurance

A home is an investment as well as a place to live. As such, you want to take measures that can protect you in case something goes wrong in your home. You should purchase homeowners’ insurance in Glendale, AZ. Many policies are available that provide coverage that can come in handy if you need to make repairs in case of severe weather or an accident.

Change the Locks

It is always a good idea to make sure only you and your family can access the new home. Change out the locks at all of the entryways and make new keys as well. In addition, verify that all of the doors and windows can close securely.

Check Your Circuit Breaker and Water Supply

The move-in period can be hectic, and the last things you need are electrical or plumbing failures slowing you down. Locate your home’s power panel and make sure it is appropriately labeled and functioning. Also, find the main supply valve to your plumbing system and verify that it can shut off the water. If anything seems amiss, contact your local plumber or electrician.

Being a homeowner should be a rewarding experience–and you will learn many things along the way. As with any investment, you want to make sure you are doing everything you can so that you may enjoy the things you own. Many agencies that offer homeowners’ insurance also provide products that can help you protect your belongings–including your automobiles. Contact your local agent to learn more about your options.

commercial fleet

Is Your Commercial Auto Insurance Impacted by Your Employees?

Business auto insurance coverage has a lot of gray areas. For example, if an employee runs an errand for their job using their personal vehicle and gets into an accident, which pays out: the employee’s insurance or the company’s?

The truth is that it’s complicated; the answer depends on the extent of the company’s coverage and the circumstances of the accident. That’s why business owners need to understand what they’re paying for when they purchase commercial car and commercial truck insurance in Glendale, AZ.

One common question is whether the employee’s personal insurance has an impact on the business’s insurance, particularly when they are driving a company vehicle. Most personal auto policies have an exclusion stating that there’s no coverage for use of a vehicle furnished or available for the policy holder’s regular use – such as company vehicles. However, if the employee is using their own vehicle on behalf of the business, their personal auto insurance may have an impact.

As you shop around for commercial car and commercial truck insurance, be sure to take into consideration all the potential risks. If you’re unsure how much coverage you need to protect your business, talk to an independent insurance agent for advice.

young professionals looking at a tablet

Insurance Tips for New Business Owners

Starting a business always involves risks. However, it’s also smart business to limit risks whenever possible. That’s where insurance comes in. Here are some tips about protecting your venture with liability insurance in Peoria, AZ.

Don’t Skip Coverage

One of the most common mistakes small business owners make is neglecting to secure any insurance coverage because they don’t want to pay for it. However, these people aren’t considering what not having insurance could cost them. A single bad incident could wipe out your new venture financially if you’re not protected.

Talk to an Independent Insurance Agent

You have a lot of options for liability insurance; an independent insurance agent will help you pick the policy that’s right for your business without bias. Don’t hesitate to ask them questions as you shop around, especially if there are any terms you don’t understand.

Revisit Your Policy as Your Business Grows

Businesses change a lot in the years and months after they first open. That means your risks will change too. When it comes time to renew your policy, take the opportunity to shop around again and ensure all your needs are met. Keep in mind that you don’t have to wait until the designated renewal time to change your liability insurance plan.

insurance agent going over policy

How Do Insurance Premiums Work?

Insurance policies come with a lot of lingo to learn. One important term to understand is “premium.” Simply put, an insurance premium is the amount of money the company will charge for the plan. However, it’s a bit more complicated than that; two people applying for similar policies may be charged radically different amounts. When shopping for plans, work with a qualified insurance company in Peoria, AZ, to ensure you get the best price possible.

How Premiums Are Calculated

Four core components go into calculating your premium: what kind of coverage you’re receiving, how much coverage you’re receiving, your personal information, and local competition.

Insurance coverage comes in many forms, and those forms have different price tags attached. For example, an all-risk home insurance policy will come with a higher premium than a named-perils policy. Likewise, it’s common sense that an insurance company will charge more for more coverage.

The impact of your personal information and your location is where things really get complicated. Everything from your age and occupation to prior claims history and address can affect the premium quotes you receive. Since every company weighs these factors differently, it’s crucial to shop around instead of accepting the first premium you’re offered.


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